IFS Function

※ Download: Use of if function in excel

Note: Every open, left parenthesis in a formula must have a matching closed, right parenthesis. Many Excel functions accept wildcards, but regrettably IF is not one of them. You can combine the IF function with other logical functions such as , , etc. Copy down the formula as far as needed in column C to apply to all the wholesale products and quantities in columns A and B.

To nest another function, you can enter it into the argument box. The problem is that, when left blank, the total in the formula cell is -20. For example, I could create a spreadsheet with the tasks needed to get an allowance. The bookkeeper enters a formula in column B that calculates which customers are more than 30 days past due, then sends late notices accordingly.

Use nested functions in a formula - A11 of Worksheet A contains FR189X and B6 of Worksheet B is FR189. I am very lost and confused.

Excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet software in the market today. Its ease of use and versatility make it quite popular. Note this is an intermediate Excel topic, and we assume you have already completed. If not, do hop over and first take up this. Logical functions in MS Excel include IF, OR, AND, TRUE, FALSE AND NOT. Today we will look at the OR function only. Note that our discussion for the OR function will work for all versions of MS Excel i. OR Function: What Does It Do? The OR function is a basic logical function that is used to compare any two statements or values. Else it will return false. In Excel, the OR lets you compare up to 255 logical statements. An example for the OR function will make it more clear. Open the drop-down menu. On clicking this function a dialog box will open. However, keep in mind that you have to press the keys CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and not simply the return key. Nesting OR Function inside the IF Function in Excel The OR function is rather limited when you use it as a standalone function. You can expand the scope of the OR function when you combine it with the IF function. However, the customer has to be the member of the supermarket. If he is not a member he gets only 10%. The OR function will determine if the customer has met at least one of the criteria to qualify for a discount. Enter these values in your worksheet to get the return value for the above example: In B1 enter 20%, B2 10% and in B3 200 for the membership discount, non-membership discount and the minimum purchase value respectively. Now make a list of customer names starting in Cell A6, in B6 enter the amount the customers spent, in C6 enter the membership status- yes or No. If both the criteria are true, multiply the purchase the purchase amount by 20%. This will return the discount. If this criterion is met, multiply by 10% to avail the discount. We hope this gives you a feel of how you can use conditionals to get Excel to work for you. We encourage you to go a step further and take.


This guide has examples, screenshots and step by step instructions. The company accountant enters the date that each payment arrives, which generates this Excel spreadsheet. Question:In Excel, what have I done wrong with this formula. How to use IF function with AND, OR, and NOT in Excel. Oh, have times changed. The IF function is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Its ease of use and versatility make it quite popular.